Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tips For Buying A House

Do you want to buy a house? Do you want it to be a Home Sweet Home to you and your familiy ? There are 5 basic things that you should need to note before you buying a new or second house are:

1. Adjust with your financial
Of course you do not want to after you have a home you will be pursued by a debt- colletor or use stocking in your head so that no one recognizes you: D
So think deeply with your financial ability.

2. Strategic location
Distance is more important: but the travel time are the most. Chose a house that give you a quite short time that you need from home to the place of your regular visits (offices, schools, entertainment places, markets / supermarkets) and other important places (hospitals, banks, police office). Usually, the price of houses in a location like this certainly will be more expensive.

3. House Building
In addition, construction of houses, fashion, style, or the type of house will provide more nuance, such as more safety, comfortable, confident, prestige or pride for their owners.

4. Free
The purpose of free in here is you should make sure that house you will buy must free from flooding, drying, hazardous waste, pollution, disrupt, thieves, landslides, and another free. Maybe for some people such as free of ghosts. hoooooooo ..

5. You
Of course, there are still many things that may be important or very important to you or your family, such as horoscope or the other. So you can put them all at this point . ;)

Genetic Local Search(GLS) : Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) Solver

A Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is one of optimization problem. TSP as a problem which “easy” to understand but hard to solve, becoming to standard problem for new optimization algorithms. For more close to the reality, the kind of TSP that has been chosen in this research is a TSP that contain a penalties for calculation of it tours. Together with increasing of city number that been used, it is more difficult to find the optimal solution. Because of that, a computer program is needed to do that task. Graph representations and heuristic solutions to this optimization are often found using algorithms that are based on what we called “iterative global optimization". As promising approach, combination of local search and genetic algorithm is used to find the near optimum solutions of TSP, which local search doing it task to find the local optima and genetic algorithm is to find the global optimum (with population-based search).
Unlike the traditional genetic algorithms, which use a single population, in this research for maximizing of optimal solution searching process, the multi population has been used. By using multi population, the search process can go on parallel processing on computer which multi-processor support. To perform multi-population, these research using an approach that based on Genetic Local Search (GLS) with two populations (called subpopulation). In first phase, both subpopulations separately regenerated as like as process on single population. After both regeneration processes completely finish, the process continues with information exchange of that both subpopulations. That process is performed by mate process of two chromosomes from different subpopulation (using crossover only). Although this approach in this research is used only small scale TSP, it can be used for large scale TSP. In this research, the software base on this approach is developing by using object-oriented concept (object-oriented analysis, object-oriented design, object-oriented programming dan object-oriented testing).
Based on experiment result, although the cost of tour can be better by performing that approach but entirely time needed to completely process can be extremely increase. However, with object-oriented concept that has been used, maintenance and development of object and class can be easier and helpful not for TSP purpose only, but it can be applying to other graph problems too (just like minimum spanning tree or shortest path).

You can download my GLS program to solve TSP problem right here.

Software for Opening .DAA files

How to open or exctract .DAA files ???

If you have a problem to open or exctract .DAA files, you can use daa2iso proram. daa2iso is a small program with the ability to convert the .DAA files into an ISO files. Once you convert the .DAA files into an ISO files, you need not to worry anymore, because there are so many programs that available to open the ISO files. For example you can use imgburn or Nero CD burner that can write directly to CD / DVD, or you can use a compression / decompression program like PowerArchiver 2007.

Download. DAA to. ISO converter

What you need to do first is to download daa2iso.ZIP file that made by Luigi Auriemna right here. After that, extract the files in daa2iso.ZIP and run the daa2iso.EXE file. Even if the display is a simple program (using command line), but the program ability does not need to doubt.

Have a nice try..
