Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Software for Opening .DAA files

How to open or exctract .DAA files ???

If you have a problem to open or exctract .DAA files, you can use daa2iso proram. daa2iso is a small program with the ability to convert the .DAA files into an ISO files. Once you convert the .DAA files into an ISO files, you need not to worry anymore, because there are so many programs that available to open the ISO files. For example you can use imgburn or Nero CD burner that can write directly to CD / DVD, or you can use a compression / decompression program like PowerArchiver 2007.

Download. DAA to. ISO converter

What you need to do first is to download daa2iso.ZIP file that made by Luigi Auriemna right here. After that, extract the files in daa2iso.ZIP and run the daa2iso.EXE file. Even if the display is a simple program (using command line), but the program ability does not need to doubt.

Have a nice try..


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